Connectivism: The Learning Strategy for the Digital AgeIf someone asked me how to excel at developing a skill set, I wouldn’t have a simple answer. In today’s world, where information flows…Feb 25Feb 25
Pelajaran 2024: Jatuh Cinta dan Patah Hati Paling DewasaJatuh cinta adalah salah satu hal yang paling gue hindari selama tahun 2024. Gue merasa belum siap untuk patah hati lagi, belum siap untuk…Dec 30, 2024Dec 30, 2024
From Self-Doubt to Self-Assurance: Answering Eid’s Inquiries on Love and MarriageEid, a time of joy and celebration, can also become a battleground of intimidating questions, especially about marriage for me and my…Apr 18, 2024Apr 18, 2024
27 Lessons from the 27th Chapter of LifeOver the past few years, I’ve collected tons of lessons from various life experiences, many from personal encounters, books, insightful…Dec 12, 2023Dec 12, 2023
Part 2 Year End Reflection: How to Set Goals and Achieve ThemSedikit refresh dari tulisan gue di part 1, kalo berdasarkan pengalaman gue menemukan dan menyusun strategi dalam mencapai ultimate goal…Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
Year End Reflection: My Personal Expedition into Goal Setting in 2023Saat melalui flight yang cukup panjang kali ini, ada banyak momen bengong dan mikirin tentang nasib berbagai goals yang udah gue set di…Nov 30, 2023Nov 30, 2023
Yes, Adulting is Hard. Let’s Focus on Things that We Can Control!Baru kali ini nulis blog tapi mulainya dari judul dulu.. Karena sejujurnya udah kebayang bgt sih apa yang mau diomongin hehe.Jun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
Gimana ya Nesib Gen Z Setelah Pandemi?Pernah nggak sih merasa excited karena mau ketemu temen, udah rapih, udah pesen ojek online, tapi tiba-tiba dicancel. Kesel nggak tuh…Sep 27, 2020Sep 27, 2020